Minimum Access Spinal Technologies

Minimal Access Spinal Technologies (MAST™) mark a significant advancement in spinal surgery, enabling spine surgeons to perform minimally invasive procedures with precision and less trauma to the patient. These technologies are transforming the way herniated intervertebral discs and other spinal issues are addressed.

Key Aspects of MAST™

  • Lumbar Spine Treatment: MAST™ allows for the removal of herniated discs in the lumbar spine, relieving pressure on spinal nerve roots and alleviating pain.

  • Minimally Invasive Approach: Compared to traditional open spinal surgeries, MAST™ involves smaller incisions and less damage to spinal muscles, ligaments, and fascia.

  • Focus on Decompression: The primary goal in procedures like lumbar discectomy is to decompress the affected nerve root, ensuring it is fully decompressed and freely mobile.

Technological Advances in MAST™

  • Orthopedic Innovations: Developed from advancements in orthopedic minimal access surgeries over the past two decades.

  • Use of Specialized Equipment: Incorporates fiberoptic video cameras, endoscopes, catheters, and specially designed surgical tools.

  • Smaller Incisions: Enables surgery with much smaller incisions, reducing recovery time and postoperative complications.

Broader Impact of Minimally Invasive Techniques

  • Influence Across Surgical Fields: This minimally invasive revolution has impacted various surgical specialties, including orthopedics, cardiology, and gastro-intestinal medicine.

  • Familiar Procedures: Many people are acquainted with similar technology through arthroscopic surgery for joints, cardiac catheterizations for coronary artery disease, and endoscopies for digestive tract issues.

The advent of MAST™ signifies a leap forward in spinal surgery, offering patients less invasive options with potentially quicker recovery times and fewer complications. This approach reflects a broader trend in medicine towards minimally invasive techniques, providing significant benefits to both surgeons and patients.

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